Slovak AeroPress Championship 2016

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Baristickí priatelia, yeah, je to tu!!!!

Tretí ročník majstrovstiev slovenska v aerostresse pod taktovkami ľudí zo Standartu nás čakajú už o niekoľko týždňov. Počet súťažiacich bude obmedzený na číslo 27; registrácia sa spustí 1. februára o 20:00 CET.

Generálny partner je už tradične Green Plantation káva, súťaž sa bude odohrávať v parádnych priestoroch Urban House. Všetky ďalšie infošky, pikošky a aktuality budeme postupne zverejňovať práve tu.


In its first incarnation, the World Aeropress Championships, held at the Tim Wendelboe coffeebar in Oslo, could only charitably be described as an understated affair. There were just three competitors, a token prize, and cake at the end. Eight years later, with events running in thirty-five countries and a global field of competitors nearing a thousand, the World AeroPress Championship is a very different story.


The format of the competition was designed around these three tenets, and while it has grown larger and slightly more complex with every passing year, it still remains focused on being an engaging, quick paced and enjoyable format for competition.